The Portal Opens…

The system is up and running, and we are doing this first wave of releases for what we call our "Friends of Portal (FOP)". This initial group of investigators will be instrumental in crafting and publishing our first group of collaborative experiments and help us upgrade and improve the site and tools. We intend for the portal to be a resource for the scientific community, and want to convey how important you are to the development process. We want you to dig in, take ownership of the site with us, and help us move it forward. In return we hope to very aggressively support you and group research missions.

At present here are some of the portal’s primary capabilities:

  1. The ability to search and view intracranial EEG and metadata all within a web browser (we suggest Google Chrome for best performance).
  2. Capability to download clinical data from patients, their DICOM images, and in many cases to view CTs, MRIs and a 3-D reconstructions of implanted electrodes coregistered from CT and MRI, in addition to computer generated electrode maps of implants.
  3. The ability to upload and download MATLAB and other code to share between groups and to run jobs on the portal.
  4. The ability to stream data from the portal at a desired sample rate to MATLAB jobs on your native machine and upload annotations to the data you have processed.
  5. The ability to run some limited jobs on our local cloud. This capability is quite limited, but will be expanded soon, as we migrate to Amazon’s EC2 Cloud.
  6. The ability to download data segments at desired sample rates in comma separated values.
  7. The ability to run other people's algorithms.


  1. Amazon and the Cloud: There have been delays in hosting the portal on Amazon's EC2 because of legal issues between the university and Amazon. These have now been resolved. We elected to release to FOP while the migration to Amazon is in process. Please be patient if there are slow periods in working on the portal. Report them to us. These should resolve quickly once the migration to Amazon has taken place.
  2. Data Paging/ Viewing Speed: Viewing speed is a function of the number of channels chosen for review. If there is significant slowing at times, this may be fixed by reducing the number of channels being displayed. Upgrades to increase viewing speed are in progress.
  3. Getting used to the workspace: Please read documentation on the welcome page regarding how to search, annotate, view and process data. Email us with any questions.
  4. Identifying and Posting Bugs: Please visit the IEEG Forums page of our website. Here you may report a bug and post feature requests. We will soon give instructions for logging enhancements and fixes on a portal-related node.
  5. Next Steps, Experiments and New Data: The current release version of the Portal is just a starting point. We hope to soon accommodate data from identified contributors, plan experiments together and get more users on the Portal. We hope at some point to have versions of the workspace available for individual labs organize their data.
  6. Keeping in Touch with Developments: Please check our blog on the Welcome Page on to keep track of updates, changes and new releases to our software.

Again, Welcome to We’re excited to have you on board, and to start working together on what we hope will be a revolutionary international collaborative platform.

Brian Litt, Zack Ives, Greg Worrell, and the rest of the ieeg team.