Update Information

Dear IEEG-Portal user,

The number of projects on the portal is increasing steadily, and we are adding new capabilities to serve our growing community. We would like to inform you about some of the new features that are included in the latest release of the portal:

1) Data Handling, and Efficiency: You’ll notice that speed for downloading data is much improved. This includes both CSV downloads and interactions using the Matlab interface.

2) Setting Up The Matlab Toolbox: It is no longer required to manually change the ‘classpath.txt’ file. Just download the toolbox, add it to the Matlab classpath and start using the portal interface.

3) Improvements to the User Interface: You’ll notice that it is easier to navigate, find recently used data, manually annotate time series data, and participate in discussions about data-sets.

4) Additional Improvements: Tracking usage of submitted tools and datasets, basic support for project teams, and general improvements in data handling.

A complete list of added features and resolved issues can be found on our google code website. We encourage all users to report issues and submit feature requests on this website.

If you used the IEEG Matlab Toolbox before, please remove all items on the ‘classpath.txt’ that you added during the install and download the latest version of the toolbox. Your suggestions are vital to helping us improve the portal’s collaborative experience, and please let us know how we can help you with your research, collaborations, and data-sharing.

We will continue to work hard improving the IEEG-Portal. We have ambitious plans for expanding use and features this year and we will keep you informed along the way.

Best Regards,

The IEEG-Portal Team.